
Sound BITES: E26 - Byron Bennett | Zergratran

On this episode of Sound BITES Byron Bennett, CEO of Zergratran takes us through his incredible story. Byron’s story starts in Jamaica, moves through Philadelphia, New York, Colombia, and at each step he shows how he overcomes adversity and recognizes opportunities. His latest business venture is reimagining and revolutionizing the way the global supply chain works. Listen in to hear how Byron traversed the finance and wine worlds, and now his vision is focused on the global supply chain.

Byron Bennett: https://www.linkedin.com/in/byronlbennett/

Business Innovation Technology Entrepreneurship Strategy

Spotify/Apple: https://www.nanochomp.com/podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanochomp


Lauren Taber: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurentaber/

Derek Loyer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derekloyer/

#Business #Innovation #Technology #Entrepreneurship #Strategy #Consulting #digitaltransformation #supplychain


Sound BITES: E27 - Paul Pritchard | Overdose


Sound BITES: E25 - Jacklyn Phillips | Action Vet Tech Services