
Sound BITES: E24 - Kurt Stein | DCT Strategy

On episode 24 of Sound BITES we talk with Kurt Stein, President and COO of DCT Strategy. DCT Strategy is a digital transformation consulting company specializing in AI, that helps organizations leverage the latest tech to drive growth and optimize performance.

Kurt walks us through his entrepreneurial journey and how packing trucks at UPS developed (or exposed) the grit that helped him excel at AT&T, and later, his own businesses. This episode was packed full of great advice alongside the great story that led to him starting DCT Strategy.

Kurt Stein: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kurtrstein/

Business Innovation Technology Entrepreneurship Strategy

Spotify/Apple: https://www.nanochomp.com/podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanochomp



Lauren Taber: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurentaber/

Derek Loyer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derekloyer/


Sound BITES: E25 - Jacklyn Phillips | Action Vet Tech Services


Sound BITES: E23 - Scott Tinkoff | Anteriad