
Sound BITES: E7 - Andrew Fraine | Automata

On Episode 7 of Sound BITES we sit down with Andrew Fraine, co-founder of Automata, an AI-assisted marketing content platform. We discuss the needs of modern marketing teams, how to generate high-quality content with the help of robots, took a little detour into quantum computing territory (we couldn’t help ourselves), then brought it back to learn what advice he would give a younger version of himself. Did we mention Andrew’s PhD in electrical and computer engineering? Or the research in quantum optics? We touch on some of that too.

Business Innovation Technology Entrepreneurship Strategy

Andrew Fraine: linkedin.com/in/andrew-fraine/

Automata: byautomata.io/

Spotify/Apple: nanochomp.com/podcast

Instagram: instagram.com/nanochomp


Lauren Taber: linkedin.com/in/laurentaber

Derek Loyer: linkedin.com/in/derekloyer




Sound BITES: E8 - Daniel Price | Ioterra


Sound BITES: E6 - Mike Watson | Entrepreneur